Elisana Florist

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Christmas Hand-tied without lilies zoom 2
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Christmas Hand-tied without lilies 1
Christmas Hand-tied without lilies 2

Christmas Hand-tied without lilies


An exquisite bouquet handcrafted using fresh festive blooms, but not a single lily.

Choose a style to make it just right for them. This season bouquets in our classic style will feature blooms in plum and burgundy colours. You might also see reds and greens with highlights of soft pink and copper.

Our trending style brings together intriguing textures and of the moment colour. This season expect muted tones of pink and peach with accents of plum or grey and don’t be surprised to find dried flowers in the mix too. It’s all about cutting edge floristry.
Buy Elisana Florist XLFHT1

Please note that due to the seasonal availability of flowers it may be necessary to vary individual stems from those shown. Our skilled florists may substitute flowers for one similar in style, quality and value. Where our designs include a sundry item like a vase or basket it may not always be possible to include the exact item as displayed. If such an occasion arises we will make every effort to replace the item with a suitable alternative.

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Opening Hours:
Monday - Saturday  9am - 8pm

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Elisana Florist - 370 Bowes Road, Arnos Grove, London, N11 1AH

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